As an institution, we are seriously committed to promoting the holistic development of our students by providing opportunities to grow both within and outside the classroom. With this goal in view, we have developed a wide variety of forums, committees (cells) and associations to encourage both co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The ethos or spirit of the college is created through these channels.


ANUSHANDHAN-the Research Cell of our college was founded on discovery and innovation the new idea.

  • The cell promotes a research bent of mind among the faculty members by steadfastly encouraging them to take up research based activities.
  • The cell conducts several programmes to motivate the staff to enroll for PhD programmes. It also motivates them to undertake UGC sponsored research projects.
  • The cell encourages members of the staff to publish their works in leading journals and to present papers at national and international conferences.
  • The cell also attempts to cultivate an interest in research interest among students. Research Day poster presentation competition is conducted every year in which a large number of students participate enthusiastically.

Convener: Dr Shree Kamaljee

Members: All Faculties of Science, Social Science and Humanity of the College.


Counseling is an inter-personal, non-judgmental, highly confidential and collaborative process by which the counselor facilitates change and growth in the student by adopting certain attitudes and employing certain skills appropriate to the context.

In counseling, students may express freely what has happened to them, could speak about their feeling and may express what they are doing (commission) or not doing (omission) in terms of their behaviour.

  • Emotional problems: fear, anger, guilt, grief, anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, phobias etc.
  • Relational problems: with parents, siblings, friends, peer and relatives.
  • Academic problems: lack of interest, lack of concentration, fear of exams , black out, lack of coping mechanisms, lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem.
  • Situational problems: separation or divorce of parents, death of loved ones, accident, chronic illness and financial crises.
  • Physical and mental problems: migraine, physical and sexual abuse, traumatic experience, post -traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating disorder, sleeping disorder etc. addiction to social media ( mobile, face book etc. ) drugs, alcohol etc
  • Who needs Counseling: Invariably every one of us needs counseling because we face some of the above mentioned problems in our day-to-day life. At times we are helpless and hopeless, unable to handle negative emotions, negative thinking and negative behaviour thus entering into a state of depression. Any disequilibrium between cognition (thought), conation (action) and affect (feeling) leads to psychiatric disorder.
  • Our students get increased self-awareness, self-acceptance, self- reliance, self-esteem, self-empowerment, new insights, ability to face the reality with positive attitude and positive thinking by exercising therapies appropriate to their concerns.
  • Professional counselor is available in campus on every Mondays and Friday.

Convener: Dr. Aftab Alam

Members: Dr. Dhananjay Kumar Singh, Dr. Sunil Kumar Singh, Dr. Indu Kumari


We are proud that our college maintains a perfect gender ratio in its student composition.

SAMDARSHIKA is a proactive forum to empower our girl students with the self-confidence, skills, knowledge and awareness required to make use of the opportunities available to Indian women today. It organizes awareness rallies and programs on women’s rights and conducts interactive sessions with women activists. It believes that financial independence is a basic pillar of empowerment and conducts workshops on skills which could lead to self-employment. The forum works towards gender sensitization and boys participate with equal interest in many of the programs organized. It also functions as the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Cell of the college and deals with any issues of that nature in the college campus.

Convener: Dr. Amrit Prajapati

Members:Dr.Ruby Chandra, Dr.Indu Kumari

BHASHA SANGAMA: The Forum of Languages

BHASHA SANGAMA aims to foster a deeper literary sensibility among students by creating a platform for interaction with eminent literary personalities. It stimulates literary creativity through various activities and competitions at the college and intercollegiate levels. The forum promotes closer interaction among all languages by organizing multidisciplinary activities on language and literature.

Convener: Dr. Tushnim Gangopadhyay

Members: prof. Rakesh Kumar, Dr.Ashish Kumar, Dr,Amrit Prajapati, Dr.Dinesh Pal


LAKSHYA aims at going beyond classroom learning and promoting a creative bent of mind, ingenious thinking and a genuine appreciation of the challenges of the wider world of commerce and business. The forum aspires to help students develop the required skill-set to stay abreast with the ever- changing demands of industry and thereby create future business leaders. Lakshya conducts informative seminars, extensive interclass competitions and annual intercollegiate competitions.

Convener: Dr. Shree Kamaljee

Members: Dr. S. B. Thakur, Dr.S. D. Sharma, Dr.G. D. Rathod, Dr.D. K. Azad


PARIWARTAN – the Grievance Redressal Cell attempts to address genuine problems and complaints of students whatever are the nature of the problem. Students are encouraged to use the suggestion boxes placed on different sections of the campus to express constructive suggestions and grievances. They may also approach the members of the cell or any of their other teachers as is comfortable to them.

Students may also express their grievances online by filling out the feedback form.

Students are requested to note that making a complaint is serious and therefore they are to use this power in a responsible manner. At the same time, the college assures students that once a complaint is made, it will be treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.

Convener: Dr. Swarg Deep Sharma

Members: Dr Dinesh Pal, Dr D. K. Azad, Dr Upendra Kumar


The Youth Red Cross unit of our college has always played a proactive role in imbibing and spreading medical and health consciousness among our students and the general public. The unit conducts a mega blood donation campaign every year to reiterate its core belief that donating blood is tantamount to giving life. The YRCW also conducts crash courses in first aid for the benefit of our students as well as the staff. It conducts medical check-up camps for staff and students.

Convener: Dr Rakesh Kumar

Members: Dr T. Gangopadhyay, Dr Dinesh Pal


The Entrepreneurship Cell of the college aims to ignite creative thinking and nurture entrepreneurial instincts in students. The cell hopes to achieve this by conducting stimulating workshops, competitions and interactive sessions with eminent personalities who are role models when it comes to business development.

The cell’s ultimate vision is to create independent business persons out of interested students so that they not only become self-employed but also become capable of providing gainful, fulfilling employment to others and thereby benefit society at large.

Convener: Dr Dhananjay Kumar Azad

Members: Dr Ashish Kumar, Dr Upendra Kumar, Dr G.D.Rathod


NSS encourages students to become socially responsible citizens and helps them realize and experience the joy of selfless service to the community. The college has two boys NSS Units and one Girls Unit.

We can proudly claim that our college has an outstanding NSS unit. The many prestigious awards it has won speak for themselves. The college NSS unit has recently taken up an important initiative in working with local Residents’ Welfare Association to spread awareness regarding waste management and COVID-19 Pandemic. The youngest of the NSS units of the college, are striving hard to live up to the aim of creating service orientation and self-reliance among students, simultaneously promoting leadership qualities and physical fitness.

Programme Officers of NSS UNITS

  • Dr T. Gangopadhyay: Boys’ Unit-1
  • Prof Rakesh Kumar: Boys’ Unit-2
  • Dr Dinesh Pal: Girls’ Unit-3

TARANG, the cultural bastion of the college provides a platform for students to exhibit and develop their talents. Each year, a wide variety of artistic, literary and other creative talents are identified and recognized through a week-long series of interclass competitions. students are also provided opportunities to win more accolades in this competitions. Celebrations of Ethnic Day, Rainbow Colours Week and the Annual College Day, a colourful extravaganza of music, dance and drama which marks the highpoint of each academic year, make for a vibrant college environment.

Convener: Dr T. Gangopadhyay

Members: Dr. Amrit Prajapati, Dr. Ruby Chandra, Dr. Indu Kumari


The Anti-Ragging and Discipline Cell, established according to the regulations of the UGC, is the moral police of our college. The Cell’s responsibility is to ensure that students maintain discipline in the classrooms and within the college campus. Members of the cell regularly go on rounds to each and every classroom to make note of errant behavior and to make sure that the college campus is free from ragging and eve-teasing. The Cell takes severe punitive action against students indulging in such heinous activities.

Students can make use of the suggestion boxes placed on different sections of the campus to make their complaints regarding ragging. They may also approach the members of the cell or any of their other teachers as is comfortable to them.

Students may also express their grievances online by filling out the feedback form.

Students are requested to note that making a complaint is serious and therefore they are to use this power in a responsible manner. At the same time, the college assures students that once a complaint is made, it will be treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.

Convener: Dr. S. Kamaljee

Members: Dr. Aftab Alam, Dr. Shekhar Kumar, Dr. Upendra Kumar, Dr. Indu Kumari, Dr. Ruby Chandra


SAMATA, the Equal Opportunity Cell of the college ensures that all students are treated as equal and attempts to address deep-seated inequalities in our system. The cell promotes awareness on the life and vision of Mahatma Gandhi, Babasaheb Ambedkar and Jay Prakash Narayan. It also guides SC/ ST students too avail of all permissible scholarships and financial assistance.

Our college has always ensured that physically challenged students do not get left behind in the learning process. Teachers pay more attention to their special needs and provide them more encouragement and support by conducting special classes for them after college hours. Also, the staff and management make it their prerogative to provide scribes for these students during tests and exams. The college celebrated World Disabilities Day by felicitating disabled persons. The cell works with SAMDARSHIKA, the Women’s Forum, to address issues of gender discrimination.

Convener: Dr D. K. Azad

Members: Dr. Upendra Kumar, Dr. Ramesh Kumar Rajak, Dr. Dr. Dinesh Pal