The college is developing into an institution of excellence and a lighthouse of genuine, reliable and unbiased knowledge leading to enlightening of minds and help students meet economic, social and environmental challenges and become active participants in shaping the future world and prestigious citizens of country.


  • To impart quality education for all-round development of students.
  • To imbibe Leadership Quality among the students.
  • To encourage the students for the cause of Nation Building.
  • To strengthen moral values and invigoratc cultural cthocs.
  • To train the minds of young men and women capable of facing the challenges in life.
  • To mould character, inculcate discipline and spirit of unity among the students.
  • To develop skill and knowledge congruent to the jobs in the society.
  • To become citadel of Higher Education in the society.
  • To foster interest in research and inquiry.
  • To develop community sense through extension work.
  • To promote pcace and harmony for better world.
  • To teach beyond textbooks and rejuvenate the spirit of science and arts.
  • To obtain accreditation from the concerned authorities for overall improvement in performance.
